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PT2203 | |
Primary Side CC/CV RegulatorGENERAL DESCRIPTION The PT2203-2204 series is primary side constant current/voltage regulator, PT2203 is targeted to 3-5W and PT2204 is targeted to 5-7W applications. This series is designed for the flyback topology, and regulates output current/voltage without the secondary feedback loop. In addition to providing the tight output regulation, the excellent low power control allows the device to meet all the global energy efficiency and standby power requirements. The device provides accurate CV/CC regulation with built in compensation circuitry. Integrated line and primary inductance compensation ensures output current free of line voltage and primary inductance variation. More over, the integrated output cord resistance compensation further enhances output voltage accuracy. A complete set of integrated protection functions allows the device to protect against all fault conditions including output short circuit, line under-voltage, and over temperature shut down. The PT2203-2204 is available in SOP8 package. FEATURES